instagram: carleylouise_x

Friday, 20 September 2013

The first post: Minted Nails


 My nails are one of the parts of me I am very proud of. Biting my nails all through childhood and suffering from pretty nasty anxiety as a teenager left my nails mangled. Around two years ago, I suddenly stopped biting them. Now they are actually my most looked after item of body.
I've also come to realise that I really had no colour that wasn't pink, red or some variety of that. Cue a trip to Boots! (As if I needed a reason!) 
I decided on some blues, purples which I am admittedly still wary of - purple reminds me some what of old people and Marie from breaking bad... 
I saw this little beauty from over some other counters and was a woman on a mission. I've been dying for a fresh looking chic minted green and I found it! 

The formulation of these little beauties have always been fantastic for me. One coat is enough and five minutes later you're on your way for a lovely Autumnal stroll through the woods however I do love to layer it on and the picture above is of two coats and Astor's Matte top coat on top. 
The price is equally fabulous - 14ml for less than 7 squid, I paint my nails very very regularly and I have never got one of these babies to the top of the information on the back if that makes any sense!  

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